Monday, April 6, 2009

A relaxed Scotch:)

The adoption event for Pet Haven went well, even though he was not adopted. Scotch walked in with a playful attitude and introduced himself to all the dogs he met! What great improvements for the little man!! In the video, Scotch is relaxed and ignoring all other unstable dogs! After an hour of this laying around he became anxious and began to respond to other unstable dogs tensions. He began to attempt to dominate other dogs. I removed him from the environment for a few minutes and came back with a fresh attitude. I would like to say two hours is too long for him but the truth is it's too long for me, LOL!! We may need to go rollerblading before these adoptions;)

Scotch is becoming anxious without the routine of going to training. The challenge of learning is no longer available to him and he is always looking at me and waiting, "What's next Boss?", LOL!! The idea of challenging his breed may help remove his anxiety. We have learned that he is a hunter. We are going to enrole him at a facility for hunting dogs. I will keep Scotch's followers updated on his new adventure!

Overall, Scotch is a wonderful dog. He has loads of affection to give and he still loves to climb up on your lap! He is a major fan of children although he may knock them over because when he gives attention he has a trait. The trait is leaning up against your legs with all his might and this has me tilting over, LOL!! His physical strength is masive in such a small frame! Scotch puts up a strong challenge and he does not like to slack:) He learns the routine after two attempts and on the third attempt he is waiting for YOU, LOL!!!!

MayBerry Lane


  1. That video is amazing! That is not the adolescent boy I've met at adoptions! Great job with training. I think Scotch is just wonderful.

  2. You have done absolute wonders with Scotch!!! Thank you for being such a tremendous foster!
