Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Another day in March

Scotch is still making amazing progress at our home. Recently, I had to retrain an old habit I created. Remember the use of two balls for fetch instead of teaching him to DROP one. Yeah, he learned that their is only one ball now. Now, he is holding this one ball as hostage, LOL!!! We are training him LEAVE IT. This works indoors with all items even his fetch ball but as soon as we get outside he won't LEAVE IT. We have done no exercises during the day for the past week, AHHHHHHHHHH!

Scotch has found new ways to relieve his energy through digging holes in my flower garden...to hide is fetch ball, LOL!!! And he has chewed all the loose branches in the yard and is working on the ones still attached to trees!!! Update: Scotch has lost his fetch ball. It fell into a crack that only my kids can get to and they are returning in two weeks, AAHHHHHH!!! Scotch needs a play buddy during the day. He is always looking for some play time from us and realistically another dog would balance his energy especially on weeks like this past one.

It appears we are taking longer walks and more training on LEAVE IT in the yard. Maybe he will listen better if I wear him out and give him a job:)

Scotch made another appearance at Aunti Ruth's. He did a great job as their guest! I am so proud! When Scotch came home he was motivated to please me more than when he left...what a spoiled dog!!

Scotch is doing great with the training with my kids. I asked the kids to not give attention to Scotch when he asks. By the end of the first hour he was very confused by the fact that when he stands next to them they no longer reach out to him and give him all the petting he could ask for without asking! By the end of the second hour he eventually walked away from them on his own. We spent the next 4 hours asking him to sit when he approached us, then we petted him. Next, we praised and petted him when he was calm and in a laying down position. When his energy started to raise to excitment we walked away. The next day Scotch sat every time he wanted some love and we willing gave all our heart to him:)

My kids struggled with holding back their attention from Scotch so I directed their energy to me:) Or someone near by who needed some love. They learned the next day that their struggle was worth their time. They learned that Scotch is a better dog to himself and to us if he is balanced. Scotch learned to respect children!

MayBerry Lane

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