Monday, February 23, 2009

Scotch is meandering on his own!

Scotch made another leap this weekend; he has yet to seize to amaze me:) Scotch spent Saturday afternoon out in the back yard all by himself! I too have become ecstatic! He went from making his nature calls right next to me for 30 days three times a day to running around in the back yard!! He is awarded with great affection when he comes back in from his new adventures in the backyard! He still makes sporadic check-ins, so cute:)

We are seeing the same efforts in the house. He is not following every step I make, he now waits for me to leave the room, LOL!! He would wait for me outside my bedroom door and now he waits down the hall, LOL!! I have no expectations for him other than encouraging him to become self-assured in his own skin:) Of course, with new freedom comes new consequences and Scotch doesn't mind not barking at the other I tell myself when I cease that habit:)

We have missed our training last week:( And we will miss this week as well:( I have walking pneumonia and Scotch seems to believe that I am capable of still walking. The first day I was bed ridden he was in my face with kisses the whole day. This may seem sweet but this behavior was unusual for him. I received help by Scotch's attention being directed else where, his usual routine, and as soon as he was done he came right back to me with 'YOU give me attention!' Makes me want to roll my eyes at him and hug him:)

Scotch's training is going well. He is exercising 3x times a day for 15 minutes, walk (indoors-explanation below)/run 3x/day for 15 mins, and obedience training daily for a hour half and when ever 'real life' brings us a situation. Because of this routine Scotch has upgraded to more food, and a big dog crate! He is very much enjoying the 'bed' he has received from Pet Haven. The reason for indoor walks is our outdoor walks are too much of a distraction for him. The cars on the highway were new to him, coming from All Seasons highways or a busy road. The birds, squirrels, other dog scents are a collision I like to avoid. He has made improvements with our indoor walks especially with a decrease of his dominating behavior for...everything!

Here is the big news, Scotch no longer wears his gentle leader at home when we are outdoors training and/or exercising! He only wears it now when we leave the house. He has been very motivating!

Although Scotch had no buyers at the adoption he still walked away as a happy dog. Scotch was able to allow two other dogs 'greet' him and allowed himself to 'greet' them without a conflict. We all who witnessed and was aware of his previous behavior were most proud of his accomplishments! He becomes uneasy at this point and that is why we go to The Canine Coach and work with Maureen and her staff.

MayBerry Lane

1 comment:

  1. You have done such a wonderful job working with Scotch! He has come a long, long way with you! Thank you!! :)
